About my blog.

I am an Indian student currently studying for my MBA at the University of Salford,Greater Manchester, UK.
This blog will detail my study in the UK, aswell as details on how I find life in the UK. I will discuss my postgraduate study in England and what I'm doing in my spare time.
If you would like information about the University of Salford, please email international@salford.ac.uk or visit www.salford.ac.uk

Enjoy the blog.

Tuesday 19 April 2011

Newton's Law

I am always fascinated by Science from my childhood since we live in the modern world where we are inseparable from it. My favorite scientist is Newton for his one of the greatest discovery about gravity as most other inventions are based on them. To say frankly, when something falls on my head, I would generally abuse the nature and my bad day. I remember my school days when we used to sit below trees for lunch and used to have an eye above (not for the fear of apple or any other fruit, but for the fear of birds shit which I detest the most). But when an apple fell on Newton, he saw science in it. Coming back gravity, I should say am more than thankful to him as  total fun we had last week trip was based on this fundamental fact. We went for a trip to Alton tower which is biggest theme park in UK known for its gravity based roller coaster rides. It was one of the trip organized by Interlink and adding to our excitement, it was fully sponsored by the university.

The Oblivion- Colossal Vertical drop
Though I can write at least 10000 words about the various adrenalin pumping rides and amusing things in Alton towers, I would like to tell something about the special thrills of Alton towers (10 rides classified as Thirteen by Alton tower mgnt.) and our special moments. These ten roller coaster rides were distinctive feature of Alton towers designed to give ultimate pleasure and most of them cause Goosebumps for sure.  And my favorite among them is AIR which was designed so that we feel weightless and fly during the ride. In contrast to the other theme park (Black pool pleasure beach which I visited last month) there was one ride which made me sweat even in the cold weather. It’s the “Oblivion” which was designed so that we will be having a vertical drop from a thousand feet in to the deep pit. The highlight is that it will stop in the edge and once you look down, however brave and strong you are, fear will grip you instantly and you will have the best time after that. The total ride time is only for few seconds but those seconds will be remembered forever.

We also had great fun in the deceptive Rita (which looks like a boring train but it’s the fastest and one among the thirteen) where we gulled our friends (who don't want to try any of those special thrills and came just as observers) to the ride to have their share of experience. Apart from these kinds of thrilling rides, there are other water rides, traditional castle, frightening dark forest, adventure lands, and scintillating shows to spend the whole day.   Overall, Alton towers was a worthy place to visit. As I said earlier, I owe my special thanks to Newton and those super talented designers who built these thrilling but safe theme park.
In front of the Castle

Saturday 2 April 2011

Festival of Colors - Holi

With Halloween look after Holi!
With the transition from cold winter to refreshing spring, newly blossomed daffodils can be seen all over the country welcoming the change. Days started getting longer and warmer. After staying around six months in UK, now I started going around with cool T-shirt and jean without the protection of heavy jackets and gloves.  In India, it is celebrated with the religious festival called Holi where we welcome the spring with colors. I never expected to continue that tradition in UK. I got surprised when my friend told about Holi being organized and celebrated near Rusholme.  Without much anticipation, we went there and got pleasant surprise seeing people in full action. Most of them are unrecognizable and it took some time for us to even recognize my accommodation friends. Dancing, shouting, teasing and fighting with colors, wow, it was really a memorable experience. Except for the fact that it took hours together to clean my shoes and dress