About my blog.

I am an Indian student currently studying for my MBA at the University of Salford,Greater Manchester, UK.
This blog will detail my study in the UK, aswell as details on how I find life in the UK. I will discuss my postgraduate study in England and what I'm doing in my spare time.
If you would like information about the University of Salford, please email international@salford.ac.uk or visit www.salford.ac.uk

Enjoy the blog.

Monday 3 October 2011

Student Life:

The new MBA students
 Finally our year of joy and happiness as a student has come to an end. Last Friday was the last day to submit our assignment and it is the last to our academic education too. After the last sleepless night, we did our submission and our student life too came to an end. Looking back, apart from learning and fun we had as a student, the experience as a student is something special.  The power to be independent and unquestionable is something special and it will never come back to us unless we are student.

While I was in the registration, I met the new set of MBA students with lot of aspiration and hope (just like me in last year). It bought me the pleasant memories of the past and also reminded me of my future life ahead.   Am sure that I can no longer have this cool life as a student again.  But the past memories will be preserved and whenever I see any student,  am sure that these reveries will be kindled and the fun will be remembered.

The Last Report:

The most commonly spoken word especially during the end of term time by students Is dead line. Generally we will be given a time limit where we should finish our assignment or report by that time. I love the word dead line because of its irony. It can be called as end line. But they call it dead line because of its importance. Where if we fail to complete our work we will be Dead.   But if we look closer it’s we the students who make its dead line more fatal. During our class in project management, my professor was talking about the project time and critical time. Where he told generally human mentality is that they tend to postpone the work so much to the end that, in the final they will  make every minute becomes a dead line if they need to complete their work.
That is what happened all these days whenever we need to submit an assignment or project. We had the last report where ample time was given. But just because we had a lot of time, we kept postponing and finally in the last day we used to work so hard that we give our best. If I had managed my time properly as said by my professor, I could have finished the last report long back with  ease. Anyway I cant deny the fact that it is lot more fun to write the assignment in the last minute where we call our friends to check and do our assignment as a race.    

Thursday 15 September 2011

The Students week!!

It has been a year since I stepped into UK. When I came, there were no friend here, no contacts. The only thing I had is the hope and belief on me and the university. I was well received right from the moment I stepped in Manchester by the university staff (got a pick up from the university to my accommodation) and then I was guided very well.

With my team!!

Now at last the time came where I can help some of the new student and return the kindness and favour I received from the university. I got an opportunity to work in the international check in where I need to check on the student’s visas and passport and guide them to complete their first contact with the university. It’s a three weeks work and I was given a short and brief training on what I am supposed to do. We the team of Rachael (we are part of student ambassadors) joined together and started for the process.

I started this work this Monday and I have seen students from all around the world and I get excited whenever I see someone from India. And the speciality of this job is it is lot more fun to do it and I have made a lot new friends already. Two more weeks are yet to go. And am sure we are going to have a wonderful time ahead.

Wednesday 31 August 2011

Adieu to my friends:

Crazy moments!!
Our MBA is about the get completed. We are supposed to do our final consultancy project where we need to solve the problems of a real time company. As part of the curriculum, we need to give an presentation and need to submit two reports (customer and reflective).  Once we complete our presentation we can submit our report even from our home. Some of our already completed the presentation and some even started moving back to their country. Our MBA class had students from multiple countries like Brazil, China, Turkey, Nigeria, Hong Kong and India. But with this one year, we have formed a bonding together. As we realize that its time now to get back to our real world and work it is sometime painful to see our friends depart.

We started having lot of get together and parties as this might the final time for us to have fun together. And some of my friends have group trips across UK as they even felt they might not visit UK again as they know about the work load. Earlier we used to go to pubs for such party. But recently we realized having fun in home was much better with our own preparation of food. This week alone, I had three parties and today I have one more to attend. Whatever said and done, we make sure to spend our time to the best and capture these wonderful moments.
One in our Accomodation!!

My New Home

Mouth watering Chicken 65
After a year of stay in the university accommodation, I shifted to my friends place last week.  It’s a four bedroom individual house in Chethamhill. One of the advantage of Chetamhill is that it’s an predominantly an Asian area and so you can enjoy the Indian cuisine anytime needed. And also its just ten minutes from the city centre.  I was given an individual room which has all facilities. Since my friend has been staying here for almost a year, his home has everything we looks for. But out of all, the one that attracted me a lot in the whole house is the bathtub which was not available in the university accommodation.
Jalebi after a long time
And regarding food, the most attractive shop to me was the sweet shop. Since I didn’t eat the Indian jalebi for a long time, I bought half a kg of it and had my full share along with my friends. Also today being Ramadan, the shops were all full and I need to stand in the queue to get my order of sweets. More than the room and shower, my new room mates were so kind( two of them are my MBA class mates – Phani and Richie). They started with cooking chicken 65 for my arrival and welcomed me with our home made Indian food. After lot of hesitation and mixed feeling, I came out of my old accommodation. Am more than delighted now and hope we all had a exciting stay together.  

Tuesday 23 August 2011

Last Week in the Accomdation!!!

Fz 16- My Love
I was watching a short film yesterday which is about the love between the hero and his coffee. The movie was little over hyped where he becomes a psycho killer due to his obsession for coffee and starts to kill people for a cup of coffee. In spite of the director’s extreme imagination, I felt something true about all of us. We people do have a lot of love to many inanimate objects and sometimes that goes beyond an extent where we start hurting others. When I was in India, I used to love my bike so much and usually never allow my brother to ride it. (But now the bike became his possession and I can’t do much about itL). Even though if it’s not for a coffee, am sure that many people do have a great love for money atleast. And I believe this kind of love is inevitable and sometimes makes our life better (as long as it doesn’t affect others).

Recently I have developed this kind of love and bonding with my accommodation especially with my room. I feel as if I came to the university a month back where my cosy room gave me the comfort and security required by that time. After staying almost a year, it’s time now to leave this place as am in the end of the contract period. Again it’s not only the room, it’s the ambience, the independence, gym, basketball court and more than all, the friends I made which made the bonding and love. Though I might not cry when I depart next week,  am sure I will miss this most lively place.  
Anyway, in life only if we lose something we will get something better and I believe this change is also for the good. Let’s wait and see….

Saturday 20 August 2011


Last week UK experienced something that they never experienced before – the Riot which started after the initially peaceful protest in Tottenham. With their identity hidden within a hoodie and  kerchief, the rioters involved in widespread looting, arson and violence with significant outbreaks in various parts of London. Within few days, it spread across all major cities of UK and eventually the Manchester too fell under it.  Almost all major retail shops were broken with the target especially on the electronics and booze stores.
The strength of youth!!
But right after the day of attack in Manchester one thing was shown greatly by the local mancunions which is their united Spirit. It bought back the people and business around to life as soon as possible.  The next day, thousands of Mancunians were found coming to work, going about their business, tidying their premises. Also the police played a great part in strengthening the protection across all potentially vulnerable areas and thereby avoided all further attack. When I went to the consultancy project the following day, apart from broken glasses of the shops, I also found the ebullience and strong character of the local and their support to the community.

Earlier in Indian films, I have seen Omni van generally used by the terrorist for all their activities. Whenever I see an omni, I usually imagine of terrorist using it(usually when I was small). Now after the attack here in Manchester, I find all people (especially young person) with a hoodie appearing to be a rioter. Even though I like personally like hoodie and have a lot of them (most of them bought in the university), I nowadays found a new dislike to it. But I hope this feeling of both hoodie and the pain which was caused by the riots will be short-lived…