About my blog.

I am an Indian student currently studying for my MBA at the University of Salford,Greater Manchester, UK.
This blog will detail my study in the UK, aswell as details on how I find life in the UK. I will discuss my postgraduate study in England and what I'm doing in my spare time.
If you would like information about the University of Salford, please email international@salford.ac.uk or visit www.salford.ac.uk

Enjoy the blog.

Monday 23 May 2011


It was 5 o’ clock when I finally had my relaxing breadth after a tiring exam. It marked the end of my second semester and I was having a mixed feeling of joy and excitement and little sorrow deep somewhere for it all ended so soon. We had lot of memorable moments in the second semester and preparing for exams is also an important part of it. Almost my course is complete now and we have our final project to come. Our second semester was comparatively different to our first semester especially in the way the curriculum was designed. We had lot of group work where we need to spend lot of time together with friends which includes our sleepless night in the library.   
One fascinating thing about these night study and preparation is that it makes the work (whatever it is) interesting. Most of the preparation time comprise of irrelevant discussion, funny jokes (pulling each other leg) and a little bit of our subject. Since our university library will be open throughout the night finding a suitable place for all our fun ( group work) was not a problem. And another form of group work is the conference call in skype and status update in facebook.  Thanks to the advancement in technology as everything is free. And exams are lot more fun. Since we always have the illusion that our preparation is never sufficient, we tend to prepare more during last minute. I always have the feeling of getting my brain cleared right before the exams. But thankfully I get to remember some part of the answer when I see the questions. And am relaxed now since I feel I have written my exams fairly well and no point is thinking about them.
As a saying goes, a day can be complete only when both sun and moon shows its presence. And similar to that our university life was made interesting and complete with these exams and a wonderful break after that. Now we have an educational trip to Paris in few days from the university and have already planned so much with lot of anticipation. And we believe it will be a more than a welcoming break after the exams!!!


  1. Hello Sathish,
    It's privilege to visit your blog.
    It's a nice venture.

    I plan to pursue my Masters in University of Salford. How is your experience? Are the facilities good.What are the prospects of
    part-time jobs? Could you catch me on sajithjsam@hotmail.com
    Take care

  2. Thanks Sajith:)

    Am having a very good experience here in Salford. In general Salford is a very good university and you can get lot of benifit as a student. Am doing my MBA. What course are you planning to do?? Let me know so that I can help you better

    And regarding part time, there are plenty of jobs here. Being in Manchester, getting a part time job is very easy. Just need to look out for seriously and you can get the job easily.

    Do let me know if you need any further information..

