About my blog.

I am an Indian student currently studying for my MBA at the University of Salford,Greater Manchester, UK.
This blog will detail my study in the UK, aswell as details on how I find life in the UK. I will discuss my postgraduate study in England and what I'm doing in my spare time.
If you would like information about the University of Salford, please email international@salford.ac.uk or visit www.salford.ac.uk

Enjoy the blog.

Sunday 31 July 2011

Fun amidst Hardship:

Final days are getting closer. Everyone is busy with their final dissertation and projects. Since we don’t have daily classes anymore, it became increasingly harder to meet our friends. My university accommodation became almost like my mini jail as I need to sit in front of the computer for almost all the time and do the work. We finally found some ways to come out of our den and spend our energy.
Common room - All for us!!

After almost 10 months, we thought of using the accommodation facilities like gym, snooker board and basketball court to meet and greet. To our luck, our friend Mahesh (who is also staying in our accommodation) turned out to be a national basketball player. With his nifty teaching style, everyone honed our skills and started to play professionally ( we believe) . Our accommodation became a meeting spot for some of our friends where we met and played funny games. And gym is highlight as it became the chat room as we were chatting more than doing actual exercise. Since almost the accommodation is nearly empty without undergraduate students, the common room and other facilities became all ours.

We all know that this university life will last only for few more days. But I believe we will rejoice thinking these small moments in the future.

Sunday 24 July 2011

Project Time:

The Law firm
After having a lot of fun in the college it’s time now to start our real time project. After learning lot of theories and case studies, now we were asked to soil our hands by experimenting in a real company as a business consultant. All our class mates were introduced to different clients based on our skill set (past experience) and our preference. The good thing for the company is that our service is totally free for them which they relish a lot (The minimum market price for a consultant like us starts with 300 pounds per day whereas we do our work for weeks and that too free). Being a win-win situation for everyone, we were all left to ourselves.

I was lucky to get to work with the largest law firm in the world (DLA Piper) where I was to fix their marketing issues. My contact point was the regional marketing manager for northwest and she was more than happy to have me to analyse the market as she is busy pitching for new customers. I was given full support by them and was provided a seat amidst the busy working environment of the company. After a year break from my IT profession, working again with professional people was too inspiring and I felt I was back to my best. Thought I don’t know much about law, the management issues and marketing problem remains universally same for all companies (whether small or big).
I am learning a lot more than my project and this experience is really boosting my confidence. I can clearly see the way ahead of my prospective future.  

Wednesday 20 July 2011

Third Semester!!

Am now in the fastest and finest days of my MBA; the final and last semester. In contrast to other post graduate students, our MBA curriculum includes a final month of taught class which means we are the only few students who had taught classes in the whole university. But being the last few days, we spent our last month in a more unique way.
Preparing for the innovative pitch!!
This semester was designed so that as a MBA graduate, we get to know about leadership and build Entrepreneurial skills that can be utilized later in our life. Also the importance of innovation in business is concentrated. Almost the whole semester is so practical where we need to come up with our own idea and formulate an innovative plan which we might use in our later stage of life. The innovation presentation involves in discussing our future idea which will possibly make every one of us a multi-millionaire.  It was fascinating to hear and help friend to generate ideas. One thing was made clear from this course. Ideas are easy to generate and very easy to implement when worked together as a team.  

Our final pic!!
In addition to learning we had lot of other good moments. Being together for almost a year, a kind of bonding was built within our student and even with the inanimate objects like chairs and computers in the class. Some of my sweet friends even prepared food for the whole class and distributed during the lunch. Our last month of final MBA passed so fast that we all even felt an 2 year MBA could have been much more enjoyable (As we can be a student for an year longer J).

Whatever said and done, we had a wonderful year of MBA. We have a practical project left for the semester where we need to go to a real time company and solve their management issues with our past experience and newly acquired knowledge. A long way is there to go and I believe our MBA gave us the right signpost for a successful future.