About my blog.

I am an Indian student currently studying for my MBA at the University of Salford,Greater Manchester, UK.
This blog will detail my study in the UK, aswell as details on how I find life in the UK. I will discuss my postgraduate study in England and what I'm doing in my spare time.
If you would like information about the University of Salford, please email international@salford.ac.uk or visit www.salford.ac.uk

Enjoy the blog.

Sunday 31 July 2011

Fun amidst Hardship:

Final days are getting closer. Everyone is busy with their final dissertation and projects. Since we don’t have daily classes anymore, it became increasingly harder to meet our friends. My university accommodation became almost like my mini jail as I need to sit in front of the computer for almost all the time and do the work. We finally found some ways to come out of our den and spend our energy.
Common room - All for us!!

After almost 10 months, we thought of using the accommodation facilities like gym, snooker board and basketball court to meet and greet. To our luck, our friend Mahesh (who is also staying in our accommodation) turned out to be a national basketball player. With his nifty teaching style, everyone honed our skills and started to play professionally ( we believe) . Our accommodation became a meeting spot for some of our friends where we met and played funny games. And gym is highlight as it became the chat room as we were chatting more than doing actual exercise. Since almost the accommodation is nearly empty without undergraduate students, the common room and other facilities became all ours.

We all know that this university life will last only for few more days. But I believe we will rejoice thinking these small moments in the future.

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