About my blog.

I am an Indian student currently studying for my MBA at the University of Salford,Greater Manchester, UK.
This blog will detail my study in the UK, aswell as details on how I find life in the UK. I will discuss my postgraduate study in England and what I'm doing in my spare time.
If you would like information about the University of Salford, please email international@salford.ac.uk or visit www.salford.ac.uk

Enjoy the blog.

Thursday 30 June 2011

Paris Trip – Part 3(Continuation...)

Paris from the top
Finally came our moment of Paris. The Eiffel tower became bigger and bigger as we went closer thru the bus. After a point it became impossible to capture the Tower fully with my tiny little camera due to its massive height and breadth. With our adrenalin pumping faster, we jumped from the bus and started to run towards the tower entrance.  While wondering the beauty of Eiffel tower, I also realised the reason for it being selected as one of the world Wonder.   We had an option of going to the top with in few minutes in the lift. But we chose to have a ride thru stairs.

Within few minutes almost all of us started panting and started to look for a drink to quench our thirst. We reached the first floor (after climbing some 25 floors I guess) and got relieved to see some shops selling water and energy drink. But being in the top of the world, the prices were also found to be skyrocketed.  But who looked for it. We still had another 2000 steps at least to climb and we know that the price of these drinks also will climb still more as we reach the top. After the short refreshment we started our mission above. But our pace was greatly reduced.
Moments captured :)

The fun when we go in a group especially during these kind of climbing (or trekking or Mountaineering ) is that we can find at least one person in the group who will take more rest and will give all others reason to  rest. And he/she will be the one targeted by the group. We too had such people and after loads of funny moments with them we reached the second floor (up to which we can walk). Again our photo session started and looking the world from the top of Eiffel tower is always fascinating. We tried to spend as much time as we can there and finally came down. We spend so much time around the tower that it started getting dark (it was almost 10.30 pm). Suddenly the glittering lights were turned on and the tower started to sparkle in the darkness.
Actually the tower is too far!!

Glittering Behind!!
As we were too exhausted with the long and wonderful day, we started to look for a restaurant and moved away from Eiffel tower (saying a final good bye).  Later an enjoyable Indian dinner and funny games back in the hotel, night walk in shorts and t-shirt and what else??. We finally finished the longest and loveliest day by around 5 am with a small nap.

 The university trip to France will remain to be one of the best times in my life…. 

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